Thursday, July 2, 2009

Drake Best I Ever Had Video

Here is a link to the video:
Here is a link to what he had to say about the video:

So the video in my opinion was a huge disappointment. I understand the concept of the video he doesn't have one girl who is the best he has many who are the best at different things. OK understandable but there was nothing to the video. It didn't show the concept at all except when they were all asking were they the best. Together they failed when I think different great qualities in different girls should have made a winning team. They could have showed the girls doing what they do best at different times or something. They= video didn't give me anything. I only watched the whole thing because I wanted so badly for it to get better. The "take that D" part was funny but other than that I was bored. I love Drake as an artist and Kanye as well. As two musical genius's they should have been able to better execute this idea. Anyone can have a great idea but if people don't get it or they have to sit and talk about it to figure it out then people won't care for it. Overall I was not entertained and I wish it was better. I have so many ideas running through my head of how the video could have been better that I should have been the damn director smh.

Givin you the honesty you love~ CC

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